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What is Osteopathy & Naturopathy

Clinical Practice

Within my clinical practice, I treat patients of all ages and from all walks of life including:

  • Babies (including newborns)
  • Children
  • Teenagers
  • Pregnant women
  • New mums
  • Patients of advancing years
  • Professional and amateur sports people

Throughout my career as a Naturopathic Osteopath, I have become known and recognised for my gentle and skilful application of osteopathic techniques, including cranial osteopathy, and incorporating my training in naturopathic medicine. My unique approach enables me to bring about significant positive results with lasting improvement to the lives of my patients presenting with a variety of different symptoms, musculoskeletal problems and conditions. Discover more in Treatments For All.


What is Naturopathic Osteopathy? Naturopathic Osteopathy is patient centred, it is for everyone, focusing on each unique individual. As a Naturopathic Osteopath my aim is to treat the root of the problem, not just the symptoms of dis-ease. My first priority is to evaluate what is wrong with your body’s structure and how it is affecting overall function. In addition, it is important to check for signs of any serious conditions which may require a referral to a GP or hospital consultant. Once I have reached a safe diagnosis, we can begin treatment using gentle techniques that will work with your body to create the perfect conditions to encourage the healing and repair process. This helps to restore and maintain a state of balance within the body’s mechanical structure and is essential for optimum health.


My training and experience as a Naturopathic Osteopath enables me to develop individual health and well-being programmes by using and applying a unique combination of therapeutic treatment modalities and protocols.

Each of my patients is unique and I am able to tailor the combined principles of Naturopathic and Osteopathic Medicine to achieve your individual health and well-being goals. A unique combination of some or all of the following elements may be included in a patient’s treatment programme:

  • Osteopathic techniques, include soft tissue and neuro-muscular massage, as well as, mobilisation and manipulation techniques
  • Therapeutic/Rehabilitation Exercise Programmes
  • Psychological Support & Coaching
  • Hydrotherapy – Hot & Cold Compresses and other modalities
  • Lifestyle Advice and Modification
  • Relaxation, Mindfulness & Stress Management Training
  • Nutritional Planning and Advice
  • Diagnostic Testing Evaluation
  • Therapeutic Food Supplementation with high potency vitamins, minerals, herbs and homeopathic remedies where appropriate


My mission as your Naturopathic Osteopath is to take an integrated approach to your healthcare and evaluate the many possible causes, signs and symptoms that you are experiencing and then educate and empower you, to direct and release your bodies own inner healing power. This is achieved by establishing health on a cellular level, by improving circulation, innervations, nutrition, detoxification and elimination, thereby promoting optimal expression of physiological, physical, mental and emotional health.


My focus is to help you feel energised, invigorated, pampered and back in control of the health and well-being! It is always a privilege to be a part of your amazing journey of discovery, to help you create a new way of life that will transform your health and well-being in every way – helping you achieve inner and outer health and vitality!


History of Osteopathy

What is Naturopathic Osteopathy? Osteopathy was developed in the mid 19th century, by an American Doctor called, Dr Andrew Taylor Still. The first school was opened in Kirksville, Missouri in 1874. He believed that each tiny part of the body and in turn each of its systems is intimately connected to every other part and every other system. Therefore, when the function of any part of the body is less than 100%, the rest of the body is affected in one way or another. Dr Still believed that the fundamental principle of Osteopathy was that no matter what part of the body showed signs of illness or injury, it is vitally important that the rest of the body is always cared for. Osteopathy is a whole-body approach to healthcare and it is the human body’s remarkable capacity for self-repair that is at the core of Osteopathic Philosophy. The term comes from the ancient Greek, ‘osteon = bone’ and ‘pathos = suffering.’

One of the main principles of Osteopathy, is this:

“Structure Governs Function” • Dr Andrew Taylor Still • Founder of Osteopathy

Osteopathy or Osteopathic Medicine is recognised as a system and philosophy of healthcare that focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of musculo-skeletal problems and mechanical injuries of the body.

The musculoskeletal system is made up of:

  • Muscles
  • Joints
  • Ligaments
  • Nerves
  • Connective tissues


Training to qualify as an Naturopathic Osteopath involves studying a full-time five year undergraduate honours degree programme. This is very similar to a medical degree, but with more emphasis on anatomy, pathology and musculoskeletal medicine. Training also involves developing the skill sets of making a diagnosis and understanding the use and application of many diagnostic procedures used in medicine. As well as the academic rigour in diagnostics and osteopathic technique training; there is also a mandatory requirement to complete over 1500 hours of supervised as well as independant patient management and hands-on clinical training within the college clinic, in addition to a 12,000 word research dissertation before graduation.


By law, Osteopaths must be registered with the General Osteopathic Council (GOsC). It is an offence for anyone to call themselves an Osteopath if they are not registered. Since the passing of the Osteopathy Act in 1993, the Osteopathic profession has become recognised as part of primary health care, enjoying a close working relationship with the medical profession. The British Medical Association’s (BMA) guidance for general practitioners states that doctors can safely refer patients to Osteopaths.

Nina Torina - Lifestyle Medicine

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