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Why Choose Me?

My Philosophy

My philosophy has evolved over the course of my 20 + year career through my continuous study in many areas of natural medicine.

My philosophy is simple, let’s:


When I began my studying for my honours degree in Osteopathic and Naturopathic Medicine, I could never have imagined where that journey would lead me.

The constantly evolving world of mind/body medicine fired my curiosity and passion for understanding how the body heals and the power we have to influence those profound changes.

I love my work, in fact I consider it a vocation.

My philosophy has been built through my comprehensive and ever evolving study, of Osteopathic Medicine, Naturopathic Medicine, Functional Medicine, Life Coaching and Skin Health Solutions and applying these principals and skill sets to treat my patients in my clinical practice.

By optimising your health and vitality in mind, body and soul using a unique combination of philosophies and skills, we can begin to analyse each individual and develop a specific personalised programme to help recovery from disease and help optimise health and wellbeing.


21st Century Healthcare

The Challenge of 21st Century healthcare is to confront both the causes of and solutions for chronic disease and thus using a comprehensive, structured model to ascertain the important information of which we can then create solutions to treat and reverse dis-ease.

This transformation requires adopting a new operating system for 21st century medicine, education and clinical practice.

My focus is on assessment, treatment, and prevention of dis-ease, using the principles of Osteopathic, Naturopathic, Functional, Life Coaching and Skin Health Solutions, I encompass these philosophies within Nina Torina® Lifestyle Medicine, to not only assist your body’s healing process but to create preventive strategies, acknowledging that the greatest health threats are from how we live, work, eat, play, and move.

By studying Functional Medicine I was able to evolve the stuture of my Clinical practice in Osteopathic and Naturopathic Medicine to another level of effectiveness. Functional medicine provides a beautiful structure to assess and create personalised health and wellbeing programmes for my patients.

The human body works with individualized, patient-centered, science-based care that addresses the causes of complex, chronic disease, which are rooted in lifestyle choices, environmental exposures, and genetic influences. This perspective is completely congruent with what we might call the “omics” revolution. Formerly, scientists believed that once we deciphered the human genome we would be able to answer almost all the questions about the origins of disease. What we actually learned, however, is that human biology is far more complex than that. In fact, humans are not genetically hardwired for most diseases; instead, gene expression is altered by a myriad of factors, including environment, lifestyle, diet, activity patterns, psycho-social-spiritual factors, and stress. These lifestyle choices and environmental exposures can push us toward (or away from) disease by turning on or off certain genes. That insight has helped to fuel the global interest in Functional Medicine, which has that principle at its very core. A Strategic Response Functional Medicine directly addresses the underlying causes of disease by using a systems-oriented approach with transformative clinical concepts, original tools, and an advanced process of care and by engaging both patient and practitioner in a therapeutic partnership.

A major premise of Functional Medicine is that, with science, clinical wisdom, and innovative tools, we can identify many of the underlying causes of chronic disease and intervene to remediate the clinical imbalances, even before overt disease is present. Functional Medicine exemplifies just the kind of systems-oriented, personalized medicine that is needed to transform clinical practice. The Functional Medicine model of comprehensive care and primary prevention for complex, chronic illnesses is grounded in both science (evidence about common underlying mechanisms and pathways of disease; evidence about the contributions of environmental and lifestyle factors to disease) and art (the healing partnership and the search for insight in the therapeutic encounter).

Gentle Approach

I am known for my gentle integrated healthcare approach; combining deep connective tissue massage and manipulative techniques, to

treat patients presenting with many different conditions from

  • back pain and
  • neck ache, to
  • arthritic pain and
  • sciatica; as well as,
  • babies,
  • children and
  • adults, and
  • during and after pregnancy.

Creating Balance

I take a multi-dimensional and holistic approach to my patients’ wellbeing and healthcare and I use all those clinical skills to develop personalised programmes. that integrate the best of

  • nutrition,
  • osteopathy,
  • stress management,
  • relaxation,
  • coaching,
  • hydrotherapy,
  • supplementation,

to help my patients achieve a healthy balance and energy in their mind and body! I hope you enjoy using our site, as much as we have enjoyed developing it. We are continuing to develop, so please let us know if you have any suggestions or ideas!

Nina Torina - Lifestyle Medicine

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